The SC Psychiatric Association is looking forward to seeing you at its Annual Meeting that is scheduled in downtown Greenville. This year’s event combines the arts and psychiatry, and it features a string quartet from the Greenville Symphony and a viewing of the documentary Sylvia the Wood Nymph. There are various ways for you to participate.
Tax Information
The SC Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting will be held in conjunction with The SC Council of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. The Tax-ID number for the SC Psychiatric Association is 57-0723983.
About The Conference
We are hopeful that you will participate at this event where we expect approximately psychiatrists from South Carolina and neighboring southeastern states. The purpose of the SCPA Annual Meeting is to offer educational and networking opportunities for psychiatrists, residents, fellows, students, and other medical professionals.
Exhibitor Set-Up
Sponsors/exhibitors will receive 8 x 8 draped table as well as various recognition options based on support level. Exhibits open Friday morning at 10:00 am. These continue Friday afternoon and then again on Saturday. To adhere to CME guidelines, this exhibiting opportunity is open to all commercial supporters. Please also note that the CME meeting is outside of the exhibit area.
For more information on the meeting please find attached the Exhibitors Prospectus. If you have questions, please contact the SCPA office at 803-540-7501.